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Facebook: Social identity or identity theft? July 9, 2007

Posted by Null in Corporate Communications, Technology.
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No wonder what you might be thinking as a leader or a manager, many of your subordinates are always one step ahead from you. While you are thinking of browsing websites and setting up e-mail addresses, your employees and subordinates are using Facebook for enabling communications and creating social networks.

Initially, my personal response to Facebook was pessimistic since it looked similar to the platform of Hi5 friends network. I did not like the Hi5 network as because it spams tons of mails in my inbox and there are millions of popups when you visit the site, which eventually can take you to infinite internet exploring. I might be wrong because Facebook is getting more and more popular these days and there are many professional communicators who are using Facebook. One example is Lee Hopkins who uses Facebook. In addition, there are many others who are using Facebook for many different purposes. The CIA or employers use Facebook for screening purposes, which means you do not have any secret identity. Well we do not need any secret identity, but accessing my personal information by strangers is kind of mysterious and that makes me scary.

I am still confused how Facebook is making the social networking work. Most of the facebook tools are loaded with flirting tools like graffiti, pokes, cookies, emoticons, etc. It quite seemed to me like a dating or a chat site rather than a social networking platform. Perhaps it may be a great tool and I might prove wrong. But what I am requesting is to be cautious about your social identity while being on the social network.


1. Computer Security Research - McAfee Avert Labs Blog - Security Cost of Social Computing - Chris Mosby at myITforum.com - July 23, 2007

[…] of exciting new possibilities also come a set of unfamiliar risks. So what do we do? Do we curb our enthusiasm and say no to progress? Not at all. Fear is hardly the solution. All we have to do is to be a bit […]

2. Corporate Identity Theft - August 16, 2007

Corporate Identity Theft

Your blog posts are insightful. I will take them into deep thought and consideration. Your point of view is very smart and intellectual. Charlie

3. pacrimmedia - September 16, 2007

Conference on Interactive Communication in the Bahamas http://interactiveconf.wordpress.com

4. Computer Security Tips - December 7, 2007

Computer Security Tips

I couldn’t understand some parts of this article, but it sounds interesting

5. wikipedia social networking - September 26, 2009

wikipedia social networking…

Your topic BOSS|talk blog ” Blog Archive ” Facebook Browser. A Social … was interesting when I found it on Friday searching for wikipedia social networking…

6. Identity Theft - September 21, 2010

You are right. Social networking is a great platform to connect but at the same time there is a need for people to be cautious as there are easily loop hole through which unknowingly you may become victim if identity theft.

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